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Sunday, February 20, 2011
Hypertension or high blood pressure is known to be a derived condition. As many as 9 out of 10 people who suffer from hypertension due to hereditary factors proved.
"About 90-95 percent or 9 out of 10 patients with hypertension due to hereditary factors, so it means a reduced talent already there," said Prof. Dr. Dr. Jose Roesma, SpPD-KGH in the event of The 5th Scientific Meeting on Hypertension 2011 in the Ritz Charlton Hotel, Jakarta Saturday (02/26/2011).
Professor Jose said this talent could be from parents, uncle, grandfather, grandmother or aunt and will appear or if the situation develops and supports the surrounding environment. Because these transcription factors can not be avoided, then this environment to be maintained for example maintain weight, not eating too much salt and exercise so as not to become hypertensive.
"Hypertension is usually silent or do not have symptoms that appear, sometimes after 5-10 years feels new or existing complications," said Prof. Jose.
An estimated 76 percent of cases of hypertension in the community that have not been diagnosed, in this case one does not know that he suffered from hypertension. This is because hypertension does not show any symptoms or complaints so often referred to as the silent killer.
The high prevalence of hypertension allegedly closely associated with lifestyle, stress levels, eating patterns, especially in terms of salt consumption and physical inactivity. Based on 2007 data Riskesdas known almost a quarter (24.5 percent) of Indonesia's population aged over 10 years of eating a salty meal times or more each day.