Don't Die Young Because Bad Habit

Posted on Friday, March 04, 2011 | By Anonymous | In

Most people already know that the bad things he did can lead to severe health conditions and lead to death. However, though still many people who still do it. If you always think positive, then everyone wants to live long and have a healthy body. But not a few people who actually plunged himself to die young by doing a bad habit.

Know there are some bad habits that can reduce a person for life expectancy or lead to premature death, namely smoking, especially if it starts from an early age, alcohol consumption, lack of physical activity at least less than two hours in a week and have a poor diet that is consume less fruit and vegetables but consume lots of fat or sugar.

Researchers from Norway have found that people who have behaviors that allow fatal triple die from heart disease or cancer.

"The pattern of life as it could increase four-fold risk of death by various causes and can make someone look 12 years older than his age," said Dr. Elisabeth Kvaavik, from the University of Oslo, as quoted by the LATimes, Monday (05/10/2010 .)

In addition, an unhealthy lifestyle cause a person to have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and various other health conditions that can trigger blood vessel disease.

Bad habits that persist can destroy a person's life, which can make it become unhealthy, losing a lot of money and cause of death at a young age.

To prevent this, there must be awareness of that person to want to change the pattern of his life for the better.

As quoted from eHow on Monday (5/10/2010) there are some things you can do to stop this bad habit, namely:

  1. Finding out what makes you enjoy these bad habits and pay attention to why it is spoiling this bad habit. Now we know the cause, try to rethink this and make changes.
  2. Consistent with the efforts made to change bad habits. If you have a sincere desire to change, then try making these changes every day.
  3. Keep the change these habits for 3 weeks. A study conducted several years show an ingrained habit could be if it has been done about 3 weeks. So during that time to do modifications to maintain it.
  4. Try to have the notion that what is done today will be far more positive and good for your self and others.
  5. Received support from the people around when needed. As much as possible away from the things that can trigger a return to bad habits.
To avoid death at younger ages due to unhealthy lifestyles, should avoid all bad habits that could increase the risk of death from various diseases. Begin to change into a healthier lifestyle.