High Cholesterol, Should Abstinence Meat?

Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2011 | By Anonymous | In

One's diet affects cholesterol levels in the blood. Talk about your diet, amount and type of fat consumed did influence the size of our risk of heart disease.

Foods that contain saturated fats, either from animal meat and coconut oil, both of which will increase levels of cholesterol can cause fatty, especially in the heart. This is the forerunner of heart disease.

One way to reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the body is to reduce the intake of bad fats, like trans fat and saturated fat, red meat, cheese, and high-fat milk.

As a substitute for red meat, you can eat white meat or lean meat. Such as chicken without the skin. You also can choose in which meat has less fat content. To reduce the fat content in meat, meat should be processed by steaming or made clear soup.

The American Heart Association recommends eating fish rich in omega-3 at least twice a week to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease in people with high cholesterol.

Types of foods derived from vegetable, such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts, contains almost no cholesterol. That is why, vegetarians who do not eat meat, including poultry meat, usually have cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Risky if Cholesterol Too Low

Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2011 | By Anonymous | In

We've often heard that excess cholesterol in the blood is one of the main factors of heart abnormalities. Cholesterol is too low was as dangerous.

Cholesterol is a type of lipid molecules in the bloodstream. Cholesterol is produced by the liver and is needed for metabolic processes. Cholesterol is beneficial to the formation of cell membranes, some specific hormones, and other necessary tissues.

Cholesterol levels in the blood of normal is less than 200 milligrams per dL, bad cholesterol (LDL) less than 130 mg / dL, HDL cholesterol of more than 45 mg / dL, and triglycerides less than 200 mg / dL.

Someone declared excess blood cholesterol levels or high cholesterol if the total cholesterol levels reached more than 240 mg / dL. Excess cholesterol can cause buildup of fats that clog arteries.

On the other hand, cholesterol is too low or less than 160 mg / dL was also not recommended because it is dangerous to health.

Research shows that pregnant women who had total cholesterol levels are too low at high risk of premature delivery. The number of total and LDL cholesterol is too low is also associated with depression, anxiety and cancer diseases.

How to Alleviate Mental and Physical Conditions by Being Mindful

Posted on Friday, March 25, 2011 | By Anonymous | In

Long practiced by ­Buddhists, mindfulness is now well established in the West and widely used by those seeking psychological or spiritual change in their lives. Advocates believe this meditational practice can help alleviate a variety of mental and physical conditions, including obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety. But what is mindfulness and how might we use it?

Mindfulness is concerned with the present; with keeping your consciousness alive to the present moment. This may appear a simple task, but is harder than it sounds. Most of the time, our minds are taking us back into the past or into the imaginary future.

To help us to engage with the present moment, breath work is a great help, because unlike our mind, it is always present. So becoming aware of your breathing — in and out, in and out — is a wonderful start to becoming present.

Healthy Bones Male Infertile sperm

Posted on Sunday, March 20, 2011 | By Anonymous | In ,

Sperm quality in men is not only determined by the condition of the reproductive system, but also influenced by bone health. If you want to have sperm quality, make sure the framework of the body is always maintained his health.

A study at Columbia University showed that the healthy bone to produce more osteocalcin, a protein that make up the bones and teeth. Protein content is what will affect the fertility of male reproductive system.

In that study, men whose bones are not many produce osteocalcin tend to be less potent difficult to fertilize their partner. Conversely, if osteocalcin produced in the bone more and more, the quality of male sperm would increase so that more potent.

When investigated further, osteocalcin was associated with the production of the male sex hormone testosterone. High levels of osteocalcin which trigger the production of more testosterone, so men are capable of producing higher quality sperm.

The findings are then followed up with an experiment on male rats. When male rats were injected ostgeocalcin, testosterone production increases, which produced more sperm quality, and certainly more potent to inseminate female mice.

"The relationship between bone health with the reproductive system were observed only in men. We did not find similar effects in women and female rats," said the researcher, as quoted by Gerard Karsenty of Sify.com, Monday (02/21/2011).

This finding is quite interesting because the relationship between the bone with the reproductive system previously only focused on the function of the gonad gland, the gland that regulates male and female genitalia. The higher activity of the gonad gland, the more bone cells produced by the body.

Condensed sperm Not Necessarily More Fertile

Posted on Sunday, March 20, 2011 | By Anonymous | In ,

Most men would not worry if the sperm is too weak, because the viscosity including indicators of sperm quality. But the sperm is thick also not always good, because if too thick it will be difficult to fertilize the egg.

Semen quality characteristics have somewhat thicker because it contains protein. The nature of the protein is easy to clot (coagulation) when involved in contact with air, so the level of consistency can be measured by the length of sperm clumping.

Normally sperm will clot within 20-30 minutes if left in the open air. Sperm that is too thin it may take longer to clot and is usually triggered by the number of sperm cells that are too small or there is infection in the urinary tract.

Still does not mean that rapid semen clot is always more potent or fertile than the more dilute. Sperm are too quick to clot alias too thick it difficult for sperm cells to swim toward the egg to be fertilized.

Quoted from WebMD on Thursday (17/02/2011), semen viscosity is rarely the sole cause of infertility in men. That is, sperm that are too thick really is not that affect the quality of sperm in relation to the ability to fertilize an egg.

But in many cases, sperm that are too thick are closely related to other conditions that reduce male fertility, such as prostatitis or prostate tract infection. Thickness of sperm is often used by urology doctors to detect the infection.

In these circumstances, the quality of sperm produced will generally decline. Moreover, the liquid becomes more viscous sperm, sperm cells must be diluted and then manually injected into the egg through artificial insemination if you want to have kids.

Male births over the year 1980 Number of Sperm Tended to Decrease

Posted on Sunday, March 20, 2011 | By Anonymous | In ,

The male sperm cell production dwindle over time, allegedly due to increased pollution that contaminate food and the environment. The impact not only reduce fertility, but also increase the risk of cancer in men.

Research conducted by experts from the University of Turku in Finland showed that the number of male sperm cells began to decrease since the late 1970s. Only in 10 years, the average number of sperm produced by men has decreased by about 30 percent.

Research conducted in Finland that note, the number of sperm produced by men born in 1979-1981 was about 227 million / ml. Men born in 1982-1983 to produce 202 million sperm / ml, while the above was born in 1983 produced only 165 million / ml.

Although only performed in Finland, the results of this study is believed to be an indicator of male fertility in the world. The reason for this Finnish man considered the most 'manly' in terms of fertility, since sperm production average more than any other man in the world.

Besides observing that fewer sperm production, researchers also saw the risk of cancer in men who tended to increase. Compared to the group of men born in the era of the 1950s, testicular cancer is more common in men who were born after the 1980's.

Cholesterol: Myths and Facts

Posted on Saturday, March 05, 2011 | By Anonymous | In

A lot of myths circulating among the public about cholesterol. The lack of true understanding can lead to misinformation about cholesterol and symptoms. Therefore, it is important to straighten the myths that have long circulated in the community for cholesterol symptoms can be avoided with more careful and precise.

Myth: Eating goat meat will cause high cholesterol and hypertension. 
Fact: Not true. There is no evidence that goat meat has a higher fat content than any other red meat.

Myth: In people with high cholesterol, if diligent exercise and diet and body in a condition fit means good cholesterol. 

Fact: In addition to exercise and diet, there are other things that affect cholesterol levels, such as weight, smoking, family history, age, and gender. For cholesterol awake, it takes a healthy lifestyle and medication adherence.

Myth: High cholesterol and cardiovascular disease only problem man. 
Fact: Not true. Although before the menopause women produce estrogen which can reduce the risk of heart disease, but keep in mind other factors such as hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, diabetes, heredity, and so forth.

Myth: Just avoid the meat, coconut milk, and organ meats, cholesterol must be normal. 
Fact: Not necessarily, because 80 percent of blood cholesterol is produced from within our own bodies. When metabolism is deteriorating, then the drug is needed in addition to a healthy lifestyle modification.

Don't Die Young Because Bad Habit

Posted on Friday, March 04, 2011 | By Anonymous | In

Most people already know that the bad things he did can lead to severe health conditions and lead to death. However, though still many people who still do it. If you always think positive, then everyone wants to live long and have a healthy body. But not a few people who actually plunged himself to die young by doing a bad habit.

Know there are some bad habits that can reduce a person for life expectancy or lead to premature death, namely smoking, especially if it starts from an early age, alcohol consumption, lack of physical activity at least less than two hours in a week and have a poor diet that is consume less fruit and vegetables but consume lots of fat or sugar.

Researchers from Norway have found that people who have behaviors that allow fatal triple die from heart disease or cancer.

"The pattern of life as it could increase four-fold risk of death by various causes and can make someone look 12 years older than his age," said Dr. Elisabeth Kvaavik, from the University of Oslo, as quoted by the LATimes, Monday (05/10/2010 .)

In addition, an unhealthy lifestyle cause a person to have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and various other health conditions that can trigger blood vessel disease.

Bad habits that persist can destroy a person's life, which can make it become unhealthy, losing a lot of money and cause of death at a young age.

To prevent this, there must be awareness of that person to want to change the pattern of his life for the better.

As quoted from eHow on Monday (5/10/2010) there are some things you can do to stop this bad habit, namely:

Vegetables and Fruits are Important for Our Healthy

Posted on Thursday, March 03, 2011 | By Anonymous | In

Eating fruits and vegetables is one recommendations for a healthy diet, but still many people who do not like to eat fruit or vegetables. Why eating fruits and vegetables important for the body? Here are some reasons why the fruit and vegetable important.

The National Cancer Institute recommends that every person eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. There are many reasons why fruit and vegetables is very important for body. As reported by the HSPH and FamilyEducation, Every person needs a lot of fruit and vegetable consumption Many studies have shown that fruits and vegetables is very important to obtain good health. In fact, the fruits and vegetables should be the basis of a healthy diet.

Every person, regardless of age, need to double the number of intake of fruit and vegetables every day. Fruits and vegetables protect the health. Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fibers are important for the body.

Eating fruits and vegetables every day can bring benefits:
   1. Reducing the risk of heart disease
   2. Reducing the risk of hypertension
   3. Reducing the risk of type II diabetes
   4. Reducing cancer risk
   5. Digestive system launched
   6. A healthy vision system
   7. A healthy memory function
   8. Boost the immune system
   9. Bones and teeth healthy

Cheap Ways to Overcome Osteoporosis

Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2011 | By Anonymous | In

Studies by scientists at the Women's College Research Institute and the University of Toronto, Canada, indicates that the use of nitroglycerin ointment has the potential to increase bone density and prevent osteoporosis.

An initial study provide hope for the availability of an effective and inexpensive treatment for bone disease or osteoporosis.

In the Journal of the American Medical Association reported the use of nitroglycerin ointment for two years in post-menopausal women a significant effect on increasing bone mineral density (BMD) and decrease bone resorption.

"Nitroglycerin can stimulate bone formation and prevent resorption. It can give an effect on bone density and structure," said researchers in a report.

Nitroglycerin has been previously used extensively as a vasodilator, a drug that causes dilation of blood vessels and help solve problems of the heart such as angina and chronic heart problems.

Sophie Jamal and his team tested the efficacy of nitroglycerin ointment improvement the bone mineral density in the lumbar spine, femoral neck and pelvis. In addition to using nitroglycerin, the researchers also use a placebo as a comparator.

Cholesterol, Men Longevity Key Factor

Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2011 | By Anonymous | In

Research shows, the quality of a man's health can be determined also by the levels of cholesterol in their blood. Those who are able to maintain stable levels of good cholesterol or HDL his relative has a long life.

According to researchers at the Boston study published the American Journal of Cardiology, the man who is able to reach the age of 85 years tend to have high HDL cholesterol levels while in their 60s. Men of his HDL highest risk of less than 28 percent died at age 85, compared with men with HDL levels was the lowest.

Dr. Nir Barzillai from the Institute for Aging Research at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, U.S., believes the results of this study add to evidence that cholesterol plays an important role in determining the quality of one's health.

"We must always remember that this is a relationship, and it does not mean having a high HDL can increase life expectancy," said Barzillai.

According to the American Heart Association, about 12 million people in the land of Uncle Sam suffering from heart disease and stroke by the year 2006. But the risk of heart problems can actually be lowered by maintaining HDL cholesterol levels remain high. HDL levels are low, less than 40 milligrams per deciliter (mg / dL) in blood, as long as it is also known to increase risk of heart disease.

Keeping Cholesterol at The "Safe" Levels

Posted on Tuesday, March 01, 2011 | By Anonymous | In

According to nutritionist Joy Bouner, MS, RD, CDN, author of Your Inner Skinny, food containing cholesterol is not the only cause of rise in bad cholesterol or LDL in the blood. In fact, actual genetic factor which becomes the biggest factor in the formation of LDL. "It is the heart that affect how much cholesterol is produced by the body and unfortunately there are some people who produce genetically high cholesterol."

We would often hear the shrimp and egg yolk is food with high cholesterol content. Does this mean we should stop eating them for cholesterol in our blood can not jump?

American Heart Association recommends us to eat no more than 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day. And, sources of cholesterol are meat, dairy products, meat, poultry, shellfish, and egg yolks.

In people who are genetically sensitive to cholesterol when eating foods high in saturated fat, the levels of LDL in the blood will rise sharply. That's why we need an ideal dose of fat that enters the body for our hearts ldd produces fatigue in the blood. Lifestyle factors also affect the ease of the body to produce cholesterol.

American Heart Association recommends us to eat no more than 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day. And, sources of cholesterol are meat, dairy products, meat, poultry, shellfish, and egg yolks.